

作者:   来源:      发布日期:2015-05-26   浏览:







2. 微、纳米稀土发光材料及多模防伪和智能穿戴应用;

3. 荧光玻璃、陶瓷/荧光粉材料结构调控、制备和发光性能研究。




温红丽,博士,教授,博士/立博博彩。2012年博士毕业于香港城市大学,师从光谱理论专家Peter A. Tanner教授。2013年在香港城市大学王锋教授课题组从事博士后研究。2014年作为“青年百人计划”引进人才任职于广东工业大学,2017年晋升为教授,广东省无机化学专业委员会委员,国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家;在上转换荧光纳米传感器及食品安全检测应用、荧光温度传感、石榴石结构荧光粉构效调控、过渡金属离子掺杂荧光玻璃等方面取得系列成果。近年来先后在AngewandteChemie International Edition, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, J Materials Chemistry C, Inorganic Chemistry, Food Chemistry, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules等上发表SCI学术论文50余篇,获授权中国发明专利7项。主持国家自然科学基金项目,广东省自然科学基金项目等。担任《立博博彩》青年编委、《立博博彩》编委;担任Nature CommunicationJournal of the American Ceramic Society等期刊审稿人。讲授无机化学、高等无机化学、无机化学实验等课程,开设学堂在线《立博博彩》在线课程。


20092012 香港城市大学,化学,博士

20012004 江西师范大学,有机化学,硕士

19962000 华东师范大学,化学,学士









1) R. Chen, H. Wen*, X. Gao, W. Zhao, A. R. Aleem*, Natural and polyanionic heparin polysaccharide functionalized upconversion nanoparticles for highly sensitive and selective ratiometric detection of pesticide, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2024, 133097, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2024.133097.

2) A. R. Aleem‡, R. Chen1‡(共同一作), T. Wan, W. Song, C. Wu, X. Qiu, Q. Zhan, K. Xu, X. Gao, T. Dong, X. Chen, L. Yu, H. Wen*Highly water-soluble and biocompatible hyaluronic acid functionalized upconversion nanoparticles as ratiometric nanoprobes for label-free detection of nitrofuran and doxorubicin, Food Chemistry, 2024, 438, 137961.

3) T. Wan, W. Song, H. Wen*, X. Qiu, Q. Zhan, W. Chen*, H. Yu, L. Yu, A. R. Aleem*, The exploration of upconversion luminescence nanoprobes for tobramycin detection based on F¨orster resonance energy transfer, Materials TodayAdvances, 2023, 19, 100409.

4) T. Wan, A. R. Aleem, S. Huang, R. Chen, Z. Zhou, M. Sun, J. He, L. Yu, H. Wen*, Autofluorescence free functionalized upconversion nanoparticles-based turn-on aptasensor for highly sensitive and selective sensing of antibiotics, Materials Today Advances, 2023, 17, 100326.

5) S. Su, W. Song, H. Wen*, Z. Mo, T. Wan, L. Yu, W. Zhao, D. A. Hakeem*, KYb2F7:Er3+ based nanothermometers: controlled synthesis, enhanced red emission, and improved sensitivities via crystal-site engineering, Journal ofMaterials Chemistry C, 2023, 11, 2375-2388. DOI: 10.1039/d2tc04121a.

6) D. A. Hakeem, S. Su, Z. Mo, H. Wen*, Upconversion luminescent nanomaterials: A promising new platform for food safety analysis, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2022, 6232, 8866-8907, DOI: 10.1080/10408398.2021.1937039.

7) H. Wen, H. Zhu, X. Chen, T. F. Hung, B. Wang, G. Zhun, S. F. Yu, F. Wang*, Upconverting near-infrared light through energy management in core-shell-shell nanoparticles, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2013, 52, 13419-13423.

8) C. Ta, H. Wen*, Z. Mo, Y. Huo, Z. Mu*, E.A. Dawi, L. Luo, D. A. Hakeem*, Preparation and luminescence investigations of garnet-based Y2Ca2Ga3VO12:RE (RE =Eu3+, Sm3+, and Dy3+) phosphors, Materials ResearchBulletin, 2023, 164, 112254.

9) H. Wen*, Z. Mo, C. Ta, Z. Mu, E.A. Dawi, M. Sun, G. Cheng, L. Yu, D. A. Hakeem*, Improvement in the dual-mode multicolor luminescence of the NaAlSiO4:Er3+, Yb3+ phosphors and the mechanistic investigations, Journal of Luminescence, 2023, 254, 119486.

10) S. Su, Z. Mo, G. Tan, H. Wen*, X. Chen*, D. A. Hakeem*, PAA modified upconversion nanoparticles for highly selective and sensitive detection of Cu2+ ions, Frontiers in Chemistry, 2021, 8,619764, DOI: 10.3389/fchem.2020.619764.

11) Z. Mo, S. Su, Y. Huoa, H. Wen*, A. Suchocki*, D. A. Hakeem*, Enhanced dual mode luminescence via energy transfer in Er3+, Yb3+ co-doped β-spodumene, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 872, 159551, DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2021.159551.

12) Z. Mo, Y. Huo, H. Wu, B. Mohan, H. Wen*, L. Luo*, D. A. Hakeem*, Effect of synthesis temperature on the structure and luminescence properties of the NaAlSiO4:Er3+ phosphors, ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 2021, 10:106008.

13) D. A. Hakeem, A. M. Afzal, A. Syed, H. Wen*, A. Suchocki*, Influence of Dy3+ co-doping on the luminescence properties of bluish-green Ba1−0.5ySr1−0.5yAl2SiO7:yEu2+ phosphors, New Journal of Chemistry, 2020, 44, 15821-15827, DOI: 10.1039/D0NJ03423A.

14) H. Wen*, S. Xie, J. Cui, S. Mao, L. Luo, M. G. Brik*, Optical properties of 3d transition metal ion-doped aluminophosphate glasses, Journal of Luminescence, 2019, 213, 263-272.

15) X. Dou, Y. Li, T. Vaneckova, R. Kang, Y. Hu, H. Wen, X. Gao, S. Zhang, M. Vaculovicova, G. Han, Versatile persistent luminescent oxycarbonates: Morphology evolution from nanorods through bamboo-like nanorods to nanoparticles, Journal of Luminescence, 2019, 215, 116635.

16) J. Cui, H. Wen*, S, Xie, W. Song, M. Sun, L. Yu, Z. Hao*, Synthesis and characterization of aluminophosphate glasses with unique blue emission, Materials Research Bulletin, 2018, 103, 70-76.

17) H. Wen*, B.-M. Cheng, P. A. Tanner, Optical properties of selected 4d and 5d transition metal ion-doped glasses, RSC Advances, 2017, 7, 26411-26419.

18) H. Wen, P. A. Tanner*, Optical properties of 3dN transition metal ion-doped lead borate glasses, Materials Research Bulletin, 2016, 83, 400-407.

19) H. Wen, P. A. Tanner*, Optical properties of 3d transition metal ion-doped sodium borosilicate glass, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 625, 328-335.

20) Y. W. Yip, H. Wen, W. T. Wong, P. A. Tanner*, K. L. Wong*, Increased antenna effect of the lanthanide complexes by control of a number of terdentate N-donor pyridine Ligands, Inorganic Chemistry, 2012, 51, 7013-7015. ( Equal contribution).

21) H. Wen, G. Jia, C.-K. Duan, P. A. Tanner*, Understanding Eu3+ emission spectra in glass, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2010, 12, 9933-9937.

22) H. Wen, C.-K. Duan, G. Jia, P. A. Tanner*, M. G. Brik, Glass composition and excitation wavelength dependence of the luminescence of Eu3+ doped lead borate glass, Journal of Applied Physics, 2011, 110, 033536.

23) H. Wen, P. A. Tanner*, Energy transfer and luminescence studies of Pr3+, Yb3+ co-doped lead borate glass, Optical Materials, 2011, 33, 1602-1606.

24) H. Wen, P. A. Tanner*, 4f8–4f8 Ultraviolet absorption spectrum of Cs2NaTbCl6, Chemical Physics Letters, 2011, 508, 49-53.

25) C.-K. Duan, H. Wen, P. A. Tanner*, Local-field effect on the spontaneous radiative emission rate, Physical Review B, 2011, 83, 245123.

26) H. Wen, F. Wang*, "Lanthanide-doped nanoparticles: Synthesis, property, and application" in "Nanocrystalline Materials: Their Synthesis-Structure-Property Relationship and Applications", Edited by Sie-Chin Tjong. Elsevier B.V., 2014, 2nd Edition, Chapter 4, p121-160.


